
Showing posts from October, 2020

This Is Me. #ComingOut2020

  In choosing to read this, you are expected to do the following: ·        Read this slowly. This is a story of my experience, but it is also educational for a lot of you. You are going to read some things that you will immediately disagree with, and that is okay. However, some of the things you will disagree with are a matter of perception or a misunderstanding of information. You will need to realize this, because you are not going to change my mind by arguing the point, and I’m not going to change yours (at least on the perception point – I dare you to consider the factual information). In order to go forward, we will need to have a mutual respect of our differences of perception, because this is my *reality* and the reality for many like me. Your disagreeing doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist for me, and your believing it “shouldn’t” doesn’t mean that it does not, and will not continue to, exist. ·        Realize that I am talking about human beings. I am fully aware that this is