Reflections on a Year. And friendships.
Fun Fact: Grad school is very expensive. Another fun fact: There is absolutely no way of knowing what you're going to find when you stick 26 people in close proximity to each other when they were originally oblivious to each other's existence. When I moved to a new state for grad school, I had no idea what I was going to find. I was going into the wilderness with all of my belongings, and hoping against hope - and my anxiety - that I would land somewhere and be able to call it home. I was in a new place, with new people, and very unfamiliar personalities. I arrived, having quit my job willfully to pursue higher education. It was insane! For the first time, I was around 25 other people who loved psychology as much as me! 25 other people that could geek out as much as I did about learning how to administer an intelligence test. 25 other people that cared about what diagnostic criteria went into giving someone a diagnosis - but only if it was warranted. 25 other people who ...