Why yes, I knew you were going to say that!
I just realized I blasted through the last post. My b. I should probably introduce myself. I'm Shawn. I'm a first year doctoral student in Clinical Psychology. I love helping people figure life out, and feel okay doing it. It's why I decided to go into this field. It's also why I'm starting this blog. I wanted to do a YouTube channel, but I can't make sense of that, so here we are! Good, old fashioned (digital) print! I want to use this blog to help make psychology less mysterious to people I interact with on the interwebs. I also want to help clear up some confusion people experience with the rumors and misunderstandings people hear about psychologists and what we do. Today's topic is about what psychology isn't. It isn't a lot of things, but I'm mostly going to stick with some of the things I hear most often. When I tell someone what I'm studying, I invariably hear a lot of the following: "Oh no! He's going to analyze me!...